Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 36: Therapy Day

Karis has Sensory Integration Dysfunction, or Sensory Processing Disorder, whatever you want to call it, and goes for Occupational Therapy once a week. Today was OT day. I originally took her in for testing when she was almost 5, because every other kid in her preschool class could at least attempt to write their name and she couldn't. She also had trouble holding a pencil and using scissors. A friend suggested the possibility of SID to me and once I read up on it, it sure made sense. It also made sense of some of Karis' other quirks: her extreme pickiness with food, her strange sleep habits, her fixations on certain toys/movies/animals, her insistence on wearing knit pants and avoiding jeans at all costs, her love of spinning and swinging, her inability to sit still for very long, and so many more. Karis has made great strides with OT and her fine motor skills are right on par with her classmates now. She still struggles with balance, coordination, and a few other things but not to the point that she can't function normally for the most part. Most of the quirks I mentioned earlier will probably always be present to some degree but OT helps her deal with them as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I wish more would have been known about this when my now 19 year old was younger. He really could have benifited from some OT. He still has issues today but manages to work with them instead of letting them work against him all the time.
