Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11: Yuck!

Here's a picture of where I spent the majority of my day: in bed! I woke up feeling a little icky (also known as "nauseous") but thought I could soldier through it and went to Praise Team practice anyway. I tried to eat breakfast in between the 1st and 2nd services but couldn't manage but 3 bites of my biscuit. We sang in the 2nd service and I sat next to Jon to hear the sermon, and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. I just know the pastor was wondering how I could be drifting off to sleep during such a passionate message! We came home, I took a magic anti-nausea pill, and then I went to bed, where I stayed until about 5:30. I'm feeling better now and I'm actually hungry so maybe it was just something I ate.


  1. I hope you are feeling better today!!!

  2. Hope you are all better! I love the sound of a "magic anti-nausea pill". And the thought of your kids allowing you to actually stay in bed, you must be magic!!

  3. hope you fell better soon! hugs!

  4. Sounds like rest was exactly what you needed.
